Medicare Chiropractic Care Coverage For Seniors

Chiropractic care is a type of therapy that focuses on the proper alignment of your muscles and bones. Spinal manipulation is also known as a chiropractic adjustment and is one of the most common types of chiropractic treatment. Adjustments are becoming more common for treating chronic and acute neck and back pain due to groundbreaking new studies demonstrating that these therapy approaches succeed.
Chiropractic treatments are covered by Medicare but only under such conditions. Medicare only covers chiropractic care as a treatment for a disease known as spinal subluxation. For Medicare to cover this procedure, you’ll still need an official prescription and a certified chiropractor. Some Medicare Advantage programs cover additional chiropractic treatment.
What Is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic care focuses on the relationships between the bones and muscles. Licensed chiropractors execute exercises to realign the musculoskeletal structure of the body. These therapies are often performed in the clinic of a chiropractor, but specific chiropractors have hospital privileges. Chiropractors can also have the following health services:
Does Medicare cover it?
The simple answer here is no. Part A only includes hospitalization, but chiropractic treatment is automatically excluded. However, there are a few problems that a chiropractor can handle in a hospital environment that is covered under Part B.
Specifically, depending on the patient’s general conditions, a doctor in a hospital can handle certain kinds of dislocations in one case but by a chiropractor in another.
Medicare Part B: Limited Coverage
Medicare only provides a small number of chiropractic facilities, many of which are provided by Part B. Since Section B of Medicare provides outpatient medical providers, it stands to reason that this provision will extend to chiropractors.
However, since chiropractic services do not count as medical treatment in the traditional context, Part B would not protect them in the same manner that it makes a regular doctor’s appointment.
Part B Covers What Kinds of Chiropractic Care?
In most cases, Medicare Part B would reimburse the chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors have a wide range of facilities, many of which are not provided at all. Part B will pay for your chiropractic treatment if you meet the following criteria:
  • It entails manual handling of the spine.
  • Correct a subluxation (partial dislocation)
  • It is considered medically appropriate.
Medicare Chiropractic Coverage
As for chiropractic services, keep in mind that standard Medicare only covers it as a cure for spinal subluxation. Currently, the only form of chiropractic therapy covered by Medicare is manual spinal manipulation. You are responsible for the cost of care before the annual deductible is met.
Moreover, some Medicare Advantage programs provide scheduled chiropractic facilities. Check with your local medicare agent or company and see what options are open. Since Medicare Advantage Plans are not uniform, each plan can charge a different set of fees and have a different set of benefits. Chiropractic care usually is affordable, although the cost varies by package.
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