A Day In The Life of A Medicare Agent

The typical day for a Medicare insurance agent centers around communication. Whether internal or external, communication is a significant factor for them to do their job right. To learn more about what makes up my typical day, I will share this blog post to learn more about how I manage my workday and how I get stuff done.
My first appointment was at 8:30 am, where I rented a shared workspace connected to a groovy coffee shop. The business owner I’m meeting with is turning 65 in May. As an insurance agent, I helped her register for SSA.gov and applied for Medicare plan A&B. To get the Social Security requirement benefits, she needs to wait until at least at the age of 66. Accordingly, I figured out what’s the right plan for her, and as soon as her Medicare ID shows up on SSA.gov or her physical Medicare card arrives, we’ll sign her up for the plan. So, we decided to arrange a meeting again in the town or talk over the phone to complete the email confirmation of the said Medicare plan.
After meeting with my client, I went to the gym to take a break. Right after, I went back to my coffee shop, where I worked for just over an hour and then ran by the house, scarfed a microwave lunch, said my greetings to our dog walker, and drove to my next appointment.
On the way to my next stop, I returned a couple of calls to some of my members, listened to a podcast, and talked to my friend Peggy. The lady I met was an existing and long-term member already. However, she’s still recovering from her recent stroke. The sad part is that she makes about $1800 every month and has low assets. However, the good news is she will qualify for the local hospital system’s financial assistance program. As a kindness, as a Medicare insurance agent, I helped her apply for Medicare. It’s very overwhelming to help other people, and it creates meaning in my life. I do feel like I’m treating people like I’d want my grandmother to be treated.
The fourth scheduled for this day was about ten minutes away. I’m meeting with a husband, who is an existing Medicare member, and her wife. Accordingly, the wife will also be turning 65 in May. I figured out what plan would be perfect for the wife. However, they were worried because a psych med she’s on retails for about $1400 per month, wherein she’ll pay year-long for that medication about $2K on the right plan. With my help, I can get it for free through the manufacturer’s patient assistance program, which they’ll likely qualify for.
I said to them that when her Medicare card arrives, we will immediately enroll her in the plan we were talking about earlier. Also, we decided to apply for the patient assistance program. Plus! I also shared with them how they will probably qualify for 85 percent of bill reduction with the program. After the meeting, I drove home and returned a few more calls from my clients.
Right after, I did some paperwork and took a nice walk around the neighborhood. I have a great time with my honey, did my next online newsletter, and wrote this blog post while having a little Maker’s Mark celebrate.
Working as a Kauai insurance geeks is indeed a joyous career! If you need any help, I can help you answer all your questions, lower your drug prescription costs, and find your way through the maze of healthcare in the United States.

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